by Janice Feuerhelm, LPC
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE this time of year.
It feels like we had a really long Winter, with all the gloomy days without the sun. But here we are, March already! There’s something about Spring that says “Renew”. Maybe it’s the flowers blooming, the sun shining, and the grass turning green.
All this outside energy turns me toward spring cleaning in my home. I have already painted and organized my pantry, cleaned out my junk drawers (I know you have them too!) and somewhat organized my closet (a task that may take more than one afternoon!).
Are you just beginning the daunting task of spring cleaning your home? But what about the renewal and spring cleaning of your mind, body and spirit? We tend to focus on achieving, and making lists so that we can check them off to feel accomplished. It’s easy to neglect our own internal spring cleaning. It seems natural to focus on productivity/tasks and simply by-pass the hard work of self-reflection and personal commitment to change.
However, what if we could shift our focus and recognize the important need for self-reflection so we can engage in some deeper personal cleansing? I believe our lives would continue to grow in a healthy direction. Possibly our true potential could be unmasked and we could and would live out our best life!
So, before I talk further about practical application of Spring Cleaning of the Mind, Body, and Spirit; let me just say a few negative consequences of ignoring our own renewal and spring cleaning:
- Busy lives = stressed lives;
- Ignoring our own needs can cause resentment of others;
- Lying to ourselves about our unhealthy diets contributes to all types of potential health problems;
- Chasing busyness (whether it’s through a job, tasks, volunteer work, board commitments, hobbies and personal pleasure) can also lead to the road of discontentment;
- Forgetting the fact that we do have control over our mind through our thoughts, words and choices we make;
- Refusing to allow time for stillness within our own spirit, brings about feelings of emptiness no matter how much success we’ve achieved;
- Ignoring the spirit altogether and failure to recognize God as the one in control will lead to a lack of spiritual peace.
I remember a time in my life when I was a single parent, raising two very active boys, working at a high demand job, and pursuing my college degree. It was definitely a time that ended with major burnout. I did not have time for self-reflection!! – well didn’t take the time! The result was devastating, it brought about much stress along with major health problems. It truly has taken decades to turn the destruction around that was caused from those years of striving for, what I thought, was the fulfilled life. It wasn’t until I recognized the need of renewing my mind, body and spirit that I began to experience a peace that surpasses all understanding.
I developed a regular practice of allowing God to be a part of my everyday journey that begun to shape a new direction for me. I started to understand the value of being still and listening to my own needs. I began counseling with a wonderful counselor that literally changed some unhealthy thoughts that were keeping my stuck. I continued to exercise but I wasn’t as driven as before; I allowed time for rest. I learned the value of saying “no” when I needed to. Because of my journey, I am passionate about helping others in my counseling practice to live out a more balanced approach to life. Well, enough about me…. Let’s now focus on the application of Spring Cleaning of Your mind, body and spirit.
When we think about renewing of the mind; the Apostle Paul tells us clearly in Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Bible, NIV). So, God’s word instructs me to renew my mind. Consider the following points when engaging in this process:
- Are my thoughts helpful or hurtful for me and those in my life?
- Do I allow my thoughts to be a runaway freight train or do I train my thoughts to be questioned and challenged before accepting them as truth?
- What am I feeding into my mind? What we feed will grow.
- Am I allowing the world to run rampant in shaping my thoughts or do I consider God’s word as an active part in the process?
- Do I revel in the idea of learning new things through reading, studying and being around others who challenge me to grow intellectually?
- Recognize and honor feelings that you may have instead of stuffing them.
- Some action steps for the process of renewing of the body:
- Take an honest inventory or your current level of physical fitness.
- How often am I moving physically?
- What am I doing to challenge my physical body? Join a gym, hire a health coach, set realistic and achievable goals!!!
- Am I committed to getting 8-10 hours of sleep each night?
- Do I commit to regular medical check-ups or do I simply ignore any warning signs?
- Does my nutrition reflect my love and care for my body?
- Surround yourself with others who are like-minded and will encourage you to stay active.
Last, but certainly not least, is the recognition that we are made up of Spirit too. We simply cannot focus on our mind and body and forget about the driving force that lives within each of us, THE SPIRIT! Renewing of the Spirit is such a personal approach. I challenge each of you to explore this area carefully and prayerfully. However, I can recognize the value of the following in my own spiritual journey and renewal:
- Allowing time each day to be still and know that HE IS GOD (paraphrased from scripture). When I do this, I recognize a higher power at work in my life; really takes some pressure off of me to do it all, know it all, and achieve it all!
- Spend regular time in an area that brings about the most peace for you. For me, it is most definitely in nature. Music also renews me and energizes my spirit.
- Spend time in God’s word daily and allow His truth to renew you.
- Share your time with others who renew your spirit through their love, acceptance, and value of you in their lives.
- Find a church home that you can grow spiritually by being a part of.
- Serve others that are less fortunate than you as well as your family and friends – in other words, GIVE BACK.
- Practice daily acts of gratitude.
- Practice continuous prayers in your life.
My hope for you is that as you engage in the tedious tasks of household Spring cleaning, you will also commit to your own personal renewal and cleansing of Mind, Body and Spirit. Enjoy the beautiful spring-time weather and all that Spring has to offer!