by Jeannine Hoang, MD
United Dermatology – Burleson/Mansfield

1. Wear sunscreen every day. Hats or umbrellas may provide protection against the visual light, but you also need protection from the harmful ultra-violet light rays, which penetrate the skin and speeds up the process of premature aging. Excessive unprotected time in the sun leads to premature wrinkling, sagging, a leathery texture, and hyperpigmentation (darkened “age spots” or “liver spots”). The Skin Cancer Foundation considers SPFs of 15 or higher acceptable UVB protection for normal everyday activity, and SPFs of 30 or higher acceptable for extended or intense outdoor exposures.

2. Invest in a good skincare regimen. Retinols and Antioxidants are the foundations to youthful-looking, clear, and healthy skin. Retinol products help stimulate collagen and increase skin thickness and elasticity, and antioxidants protect and defend skin from outside elements that can have a profound negative impact on skin. The earlier you incorporate these products into your regimen, the stronger you make your skin’s foundation to resist wrinkling as you age.

3. Use make up that is suited to your skin type and don’t be quick to jump onboard with the newest trends. “One size fits all” does not apply in the skincare world. Just as there are different shades of foundation, there are different formulations for oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin, and each skincare line is different from the next.

4. Wash your makeup off and get a good night’s sleep. Your skin regenerates and repairs itself while you are sleeping, so going to bed without thoroughly washing your face can lead to clogged pores, acne, skin irritations, or rashes.

5. Eat clean. Studies have shown that diets high in sugar have a negative effect on your skin health. Processed sugars can cause inflammation in the body, which breaks down collagen and elastin – so the skin is more prone to wrinkles and sagginess. Snack on fruits and vegetables that will provide nutrients at the cellular level to rebuild and support good skin health.

6. Stay hydrated. Skin cells contain mostly water, and if you’re dehydrated, skin will look and feel parched, too. Drinking plenty of water will help the body flush out toxins and refresh the skin. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day.

7. Don’t forget about your body. The skin is the largest organ in the human body; give it the same TLC that you do your face. Use gentle cleaners and don’t overuse alcohol-based sanitizers. Moisturize and exfoliate regularly.

8. Get your yearly skin cancer screening. Yes, it’s one more doctor’s appointment, but it’s so worth your time to do a skin exam. Check in with your dermatologist once a year to have any and all skin growths and moles evaluated. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Every form of skin cancer can have potentially devastating effects, including severe tissue loss and death. But, when detected early, can be highly treatable.