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Good Faith Dentistry

Good Faith Dentistry

“We have the best people working here.” You can hear the pride Dr. Blake Foust has in the team put together at Good Faith Dentistry.

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OrangeTheory Fitness: New Year, New You… Setting Goals

OrangeTheory Fitness: New Year, New You… Setting Goals

by Jordan DeWald   The human brain has a funny way of approaching making a change. It decides a Monday is the day to start a diet, not a Thursday. January is a better month to join a gym than April. While that thinking doesn’t necessarily make logical sense, you...

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Love Thy Neighbor: The Story of Harvest House

Love Thy Neighbor: The Story of Harvest House

by Jordan DeWald There is an unassuming building at the corner of Thomas St and Renfro St in Burleson. A passerby would have no idea hundreds of people walk through the doors of that building each month to have their most basic needs met, that tens of thousands of...

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Pathway Church: To Reach “One More”

Pathway Church: To Reach “One More”

Pathway Church’s story started just across Thomas Street at Hughes Middle School, where the first congregation met under the name of St. Matthew Cumberland Presbyterian Church (that name would later change to Pathway in 2014)

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Orange Theory Fitness

Orange Theory Fitness

Science-backed, Technology-tracked, Coach-inspired. These three values set the foundation for the workouts designed by Orangetheory Fitness. Whether you are working out at the Burleson location, or at any of the more than one thousand locations across the globe, you will experience a workout that meets those core goals.

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