A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.


by Jordan DeWald

Photography by Brooke Mathis


Is there anything more loyal than a dog? Josh Billings, a 19th-century humorist once wrote: “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” The stories of their unyielding faithfulness are plentiful. People who have gone through chemotherapy have talked about the gentle nature their dog takes on in their interaction. There are tales of dogs who have followed ambulances holding their owners, and ones who had laid protectively by their person while waiting for help to arrive. There are dogs who wait at the end of long driveways for their young owners to get off the school bus, dogs who fiercely protect their family’s safety, and dogs whose loyalty provides a service to the person they are entrusted to care for.

How do we be good owners of a pet that loves so selflessly? We’re going to learn from two local experts who have spent their adult lives learning about dogs and providing them care as professionals.


Dogs: A pet that loves so selflessly

Destani Mize, Owner, Barking Mad Doggy Daycare and Boarding

Barking Mad Doggy Daycare and Boarding

Destani Mize is the owner of Barking Mad Doggy Daycare and Boarding in Burleson, Texas. She has loved animals her entire life, always bringing home strays and other critters. It led her to pursue a career in veterinary medicine as a technician. She learned from a veterinarian she trusted and respected, and spent the time getting to know owners and learning about their experiences as dog owners. A topic that came up often was dog owner complaints about boarding systems. As a dog owner herself, she knew how important it was to have a place that she could trust to watch her dogs. Facilities were getting a bad rap ranging from bad customer experiences to headline-making stories of abuse. Destani wanted to change the standard of care and offer her town a place they could trust. Thus became the creation of Barking Mad seven years ago.

Destani set out to create a facility that built a trusting relationship with the dog owners and provided activity and engagement with the dogs. Barking Mad offers daycare, overnight boarding, and “spaw” services. Dogs who are boarded get to take part in the daycare environment at no extra charge. They spend the majority of their day in the yard playing with other dogs and the staff, only being separated to eat and sleep. Barking Mad is not open to the public, meaning they do not allow walk-ins or schedule a boarding appointment without a prior meeting. Destani and the staff want to provide an environment that is safe for all the dogs, including the new dog, so they require a temperament test prior to allowing the dog to stay at the facility. There are some dogs that just aren’t suitable for group environments. Destani stresses that does not mean the dog is bad, it just means a group setting isn’t the right environment. There are times the staff can ease the dogs into the situation, and they are patient and respectful to the dog’s needs. Other times though, it will not work for the dog.

The homey environment she has created has met a need in Burleson and when people discover Barking Mad, they become long-term customers. Destani has gotten to watch many of her current dog clients since they were puppies. The attention to detail is something else that sets Barking Mad apart. For example, if a dog does not eat their food, she makes a note and notifies the dog’s owner rather than waiting to tell them when they come to pick up their pet. She lets the owners make the decisions about what is okay and not okay for their dog, rather than her guessing what they want. This gives owners real peace of mind as they are away from their pets.


Jimmy Niko, Owner, Complete Canine

Jimmy Niko, Owner, Complete Canine

Complete Canine

Jimmy Niko has a long history of training dogs. He has trained dogs for the military, worked with professional athletes’ pets, and helps regular dog owners with the most basic skills of getting their dog to walk on a leash. He is the founder of Complete Canine and says he trains the owner as much as the dog. He uses classical conditioning, a time-trusted method of training. He is so good that he can train a Malinois, a dog with a strong protective nature that is very active, to sit calmly in the stands of a professional baseball game.

Complete Canine is designed to best meet the needs of the family and the dog. The most common service has Jimmy going to a client’s house to do regular training sessions. They learn in their own environment and the owners learn as well so the behaviors continue long after Jimmy’s work is done. Another option Jimmy offers is a board and train in his home. The dog is raised and trained for a period of time in a home with a family and other dogs. He only accepts a small number of dogs each month and those spots tend to fill up quickly. In whatever option they choose, the difference owners can see in their dog is amazing, even if they thought it was impossible. Jimmy also regularly offers leash training for the community, giving people who can’t commit to long-term training a basic and practical resource.

Between the two of them, they have interacted with thousands of dogs at this point in their lives making them experts in their care and training. Destani and Jimmy have helpful suggestions for people to make sure they are providing the best situation for both them and the dog.

Dogs: A pet that loves so selflessly

Creating a Healthy Start and Upbringing for Your Dog

If someone has a young puppy, Destani strongly encourages the owner to make properly socializing the dog a priority. Socialization is not simply having a dog interact with other dogs or people. It is also being exposed to different environments. She said weeks 10-14 in a puppy’s life is an important time to have this started. They need to hear different sounds, including triggering sounds, so that when they are older, thunder and fireworks aren’t scary. They need to see out of the ordinary sights, walk on different types of flooring, and smell unfamiliar smells. This sets the dog on the right path to be happier and more at ease as they grow up.

A mistake Destani and Jimmy have both witnessed is when owners coddle a dog. They stress it is important to remember dogs aren’t humans. That seems obvious but often owners will try to put human emotions on their dogs. Jimmy says dogs can’t relate to being treated like a human. They see life in black and white, not understanding gray. Destani says if an owner only prevents hurdles for their dog, rather than teaching them how to react to different circumstances, then the dog is really given a disservice. She has seen dogs become paralyzed with fear when their owner is not nearby, and others who have no idea how to react when they are outside their four walls in a vet’s office. It is much healthier for the dog to be exposed to strange environments or circumstances so they can learn coping skills. They both recommend crate training. Jimmy stresses that a crate should be a place of comfort and security, not used as a negative environment. The dog needs to learn to be away from its owner and still feel at ease.

Working with your dog to develop skills takes time. They both encourage positive reinforcement with treats and verbal praise. Jimmy says the most important part of training is engagement and getting the dog to pay attention to its owner. This involves making eye contact and getting the dog to follow its owner understanding the owner is the leader. Destani says sessions with a dog should go at the dog’s pace and it is the quality of the session that is the most important. She likes to keep them short and sweet and says to always end on a positive note. For people living in Burleson, she likes to recommend the patio at Spice Rack as a place to take a dog, particularly during lunchtime. It is a great laidback environment where they can watch everything go by.

Can you teach an old dog new tricks? What about rescue dogs who didn’t start out with good habits, or an owner who realizes they have no control over their dog? Destani says it is never too late to train a dog, an older one may just take more time, patience, and commitment. She said many owners just don’t feel like they have the skills, or feel too overwhelmed, to train a dog. That is where a professional like Jimmy comes in!

The most important part is simply building the relationship between the owner and the dog, so the dog knows and trusts the owner is in charge. Jimmy says it is necessary that the dog and owner learn to communicate. That requires the owner to pay attention to the dog’s body language, where their eyes are focused, and how their ears, shoulders, and tail are positioned. The dog needs to understand that the owner is the leader. Jimmy stresses the importance of consistency. This applies to both the training schedule and how the owner responds to behaviors.

Jimmy also encourages owners to make sure their dog is given the opportunity to release energy. Dogs turn to chewing and digging when they have unreleased energy. Active breeds should be given plenty of time to exercise, run around and play and for larger dogs, this needs to be outside. This is why Barking Mad is a great option for owners and dogs. Doggy daycare lets dogs have a safe environment to play with other dogs. It also allows for the necessary socializing.

Dogs: A pet that loves so selflessly

Owning a dog should be a pleasurable thing for a family. Jimmy describes dogs as forgiving, loyal, and good. Destani loves dogs because of how smart they are and the bond they form with their owners. If having a dog is stressful in the family, utilize professionals who can help change that. Then you can be as good to your dog, as they are to you.


Dogs: A pet that loves so selflessly