
Christmas Traditions Worth Sharing

by Lindsay Rose When I was tasked with writing an article about holiday traditions, I wanted to make sure I had something new to say. I come from a very large family and have a host of different traditions of my own to share, but this isn’t about me. Instead, I chose...

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Raising Thankful Children

The holiday season is upon us. It’s a time to give thanks, rejoice, and fill our hearts with love and gratitude. by Lindsay Rose It’s a joyous time of year, but let’s face it, for many of us it is also a season marked with excess, overbooked schedules and stress. It’s...

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Setting Santa Expectations

by Lindsay Rose Raising grounded, grateful children means making them understand that not everyone has what they have. One child’s idea of necessity (ex. a single Barbie doll) may another child’s mere wish. It can be hard for young children to understand how Santa can...

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Fun 4th Facts

Three former U.S. presidents: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, two founders of the Declaration of Independence, died on July 4, 1826. James Monroe died on the 4th in 1831. Americans began celebrating the 4th as Independence Day in 1777, but Congress didn’t make it an...

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by John Griffin They say the greatest sacrifice is to give your life for that of another. Hard to top for sure. Our men and women of the Armed Forces take the cake when it comes to paying the ultimate sacrifice for each of us. We don’t really talk about it enough, in...

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Hot Fun in the Summer Time 2015

Hot Fun in the Summer Time 2015

Your Local Guide to Summer Events, Camps, VBS, and What To Do Around Town When The Weather Heats Up There's a lot to keep you and your family busy this summer here in Burleson, Crowley and Joshua. Check out the entire list below or download a PDF that's perfect size...

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To Friend or Not To Friend

by John Griffin In today's modern society we have more friends than we've ever had. It's wonderful! We're up to date on all of the latest goings on of everyone in our circle. We're even keen to those who aren't directly in our circle. It's great! I still know what...

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