At Harvest House we are grateful for the excitement for our new resale store! We have been abundantly blessed by the community with shopping and donation support.

Many have wondered why we sell our items; every purchase made goes back into our programs and operations-which ultimately enables us to help more families and individuals in our community with healthy food and financial assistance. Additionally, our clients can shop from our store by using their program vouchers.

It is always our goal to be good neighbors. To take care of one another, to improve our facilities, create jobs and to be a blessing when called upon.

We need your help! Please do not leave donations after hours or when unattended. This becomes an unsightly mess, and the community we want to bless gets frustrated. per city and state code leaving items unattended is considered dumping. We believe most people are not intending to leave trash, but to be a blessing to others. In partnership with the city code enforcement and Burleson Police Department, they have informed us that you could receive a fine for illegal dumping if items are left unattended. If the barricades are up, we are closed.

We have extended our hours since the move and will continue to monitor how we can best serve the community as well as continue to be good stewards of the gifts given.

We appreciate your help and continued support of our mission to feed, clothe, and bring restoration to our community.

Harvest House New Resale Store

We need your help! Please do not leave donations after hours or when unattended.

Harvest House
349 NW Renfro St,
Burleson, TX, 76028
O | 817-295-6252