Holiday Recipes – Our Family Favorites

Holiday Recipes – Our Family Favorites

  DOUBLE LAYERED PUMPKIN PIE Kandice Thomason, Texas Health Huguley Hospital YOU’LL NEED: 1 pkg. (8 oz.) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened 1 cup plus 1 Tbsp. milk, divided 1 Tbsp. sugar 1 tub (8 oz.) Cool Whip Whipped Topping, thawed, divided 1 ready-to-use...

I Want A Dog

When it comes to picking the right dog for your family there’s a lot of things to consider. by Amy Chambers Perfect Beginnings Dog Training It’s a big responsibility bringing a new member into your family. Before going to a shelter or contacting a breeder there’s some...

Local Business Spotlight: The Gr8 Escape

  Sure, board games are fun. Video games today are so life-like, you feel like you’re there. And Virtual Reality is the future. Wanna know what is the cutting edge, here and now? Escape Rooms. Real life, interactive entertainment that puts you in the middle of...

A Twist On The Butterfly Effect

Feeling stressed, irritable, anxious, depressed? You’re not crazy. It may be your thyroid.   by Susan Harris, MSN, CNM FNP-C LifeStream Health Center & Med Spa Feeling stressed, irritable, anxious, depressed? You’re not crazy. While these symptoms can be...

How To Make This School Year The Best Yet!

Tips for making this school year for you and your children one for the record! by Rebekah Gilligan Inevitably, summer is coming to an end. For most kiddos, it’s a sad realization that their summer days of staying up late, sleeping in, and numerous fun camps and...

You Have One Job, America…. Vote.

by Ken Shetter, Mayor Burleson, Texas   Are you familiar with the “you had one job” meme? It is a phrase (perhaps first popularized in the 2001 Ocean’s 11 film), meant to make light of an obvious blunder made in the carrying out of one’s duties. In this instance,...