Sep 2, 2021 | Blog, Features
In addition, our hospital will soon be able to care for even more people upon the completion of a $73 million expansion project that will add more than 108,000 square feet to the hospital’s footprint.
Aug 2, 2021 | Blog, Features
Whether our children are starting kindergarten, middle school, high school or moving on to college, every parent shares a common wish: that our child is able to cultivate healthy relationships without becoming a victim to a “mean girl” or bullying situation.
Jul 1, 2021 | Blog, Features
“It’s like having front row seats to the best show on earth.” This is how Burleson Police Officer Joshua Lott describes the job. “It can be a heavy weight for those of us who are willing to do it, but it can be extremely fulfilling.” That fulfillment comes from being the person that someone can depend on in their most intense situations.
Jul 1, 2021 | Blog, Features, Local Spotlight
A chef-driven restaurant in Burleson, American Revelry, snags one of the most sought-after chefs in Fort Worth, Denise Shavandy It’s a Match Made in Culinary Heaven. One of North Texas’ most exciting and innovative restaurants is now home to one of...
Jul 1, 2021 | Blog, Features
The tragic events of September 11 forever changed Jason Horn. He was a senior in high school in Crowley, Texas. He was shaped to be a Marine so in 2003 he went to a recruiter and in January of 2004 he shipped out for recruit training in the United States Marine Corps.
Jul 1, 2021 | Blog, Features
“Once a Marine, always a Marine.” Mike Perdue serves his community in a different way than when he was in active duty, but he still follows the values instilled in him in the United States Marine Corps.