At The Polls: Adam Russell for Burleson City Council, Place 6
“I am running for City Council because I believe my business and civic experience give me the tools to make the best decisions to address those issues. ” – Adam Russell
“I am running for City Council because I believe my business and civic experience give me the tools to make the best decisions to address those issues. ” – Adam Russell
“I also want to be a voice for our district in Austin and speak up on behalf of our kids and our educators. Essentially, it is my time to serve the community that continues to support my family.” – Shandy Stogsdill
Phil Anderson grew up in Burton, Kansas before relocating to Burleson, Texas in 1983. “The City of Burleson and its residents have given me and my family a wonderful life over the last 40 years. It is my desire to give back to this community as a public servant.”
City of Burleson May 6, 2023 General Election List of Candidates
Why should you care about the School Board Election and local elections? Our local representation matters at all levels. Those who are tasked with creating and maintaining the educational environment for our children matter.
At Harvest House we are grateful for the excitement for our new resale store! We have been abundantly blessed by the community with shopping and donation support.