Featured Stories
Let’s Talk: Communicating with your Kids About an Uncertain World
Mellissa Pierrard, a teacher with Burleson ISD for twenty-one years, and Sandy Parker LCSW-S, a clinical therapist, offer their experience and research to parents as they help their kids work through their emotions and prepare for the continuing changes.
Helping Children Prepare for an Unknown School Year
It is the first time in our children’s lives and probably in our own lives that we are dealing with an issue so full of unknowns with a wide range of potential outcomes.
Homeschooling? You’ve Got This!
There is no one else more knowledgeable about your child than you are, and no one will be more invested in their education than you. Even if homeschooling is just a temporary solution to what is happening in our world today, this year can be the best one yet!
Proud to Be American, Proud to Be Local: Alex Philips
Alex Philips is a hometown boy to Burleson, which is reflected in his love for the city. His family moved to Burleson when he was six years old and he made the choice to never leave.
Proud to Be American, Proud to Be Local: Ihechiluru Ekeke
“Who wouldn’t want to be an American?” Ekeke has realized the dreams that living in the United States affords and returns the blessings to his community through his business, Mr. Handyman of Burleson, Midlothian, and East Cleburne.
Proud to Be American, Proud to Be Local: Tim Davis
What better place to work, shop, play, raise your family, go to church, go out to eat and enjoy a hometown done right, than Burleson Texas? Tim Davis shared this thought about the place he has called home for almost thirty years.
Travel with First Travel
Whether you choose to make this summer’s vacation a “staycation” or a “safecation,” following the recommended guidelines by the CDC can make your trip a fun experience with great memories even in the midst of an outbreak. Go with a good attitude and be ready to be flexible.
Change in the time of COVID-19. We can all be on board with welcomed change but it is the unwelcomed times of change that can really throw us in a tailspin! when you are confronted with change, here are some things to remember.
Always Look for The Helpers
Always look for the helpers. There’s always someone who is trying to help.’ I did, and I came to see that the world is full of doctors and nurses, police and firemen, volunteers, neighbors and friends who are ready to jump in to help when things go wrong.
10 Tips to Help Parents Manage Stress During Covid-19
Take time to speak with your children about the COVID-19 pandemic in developmentally appropriate ways. Reassure your child that it is okay to feel upset and let them know they are safe, protected, and supported.